Thanks for this info. We have dogs that keep the squirrels away and living in city limits I’m not allowed to shoot squirrels. Being a West Virginia expat I do miss squirrel for dinner and they’d also save me money on dog food! I think I’ll wait for my dream property in the woods before I attempt to grow any nuts. My friend that has a farm has a few futuristic looking assault rifles that are chambered for 22 hornet which is a high velocity varmint round that he uses on the squirrels. I had also asked for shells that I could use for mulching but all of their harvest goes to China. Thanks for all this research. I’ll definitely reference it in the future.

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We live on wooded property and I’m not sure but I think all our hazelnuts are an unknown wild variety (it’s possible they were planted by original owners, but they look like the ones growing wild deeper in the woods). Two years ago we had a giant crop coming on and I was so excited to harvest them with the kids but we were waiting for them to get to that stage where the nuts are coming loose from the leaves. Before they got there either the squirrels or the jays (we have hordes of both) stripped the tree overnight. Hoping to be on the lookout better this year and harvest them first!

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Oh man that is so frustrating! Yep, I've got tons of Corylus Cornuta - the native beaked hazelnut - all around the property too. Hoping that helps distract the critters - but I have no idea if the ripening times overlap.

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